No, nothing horrible has happened, I just reached a point in one scene where I am trying to figure out how one character is going to go off the deep end without putting himself in terrible danger. Normally an author wouldn't mind the danger, but he's dealing with allies here and he's already skating on thin ice. And yes, he wants to go off. He is at a point where he really doesn't care for his own safety.
No, I'm not asking for advice. I pretty much know what I want to do. I simply have been drawing a blank for the past 2 days. Depressing, in a way, but isn't week two where most writers hit that wall? Am I worried? Nope. Am I going to give up? Oh, hells no! This is too much fun to quit now. I guess, in a way, I just needed the break.
YouTube has been my best friend these past two days. There is this one guy, Alonzo Lerone, who does a vlog covering the "dumbest tweets". Oh my heavens, there are some winners out there! He's helped me to keep my mind OFF of my book for a bit, he's helped me lose some of the stress. The gods above know I needed that time.
After all, we all need days off from time to time.
Ok, yeah I'm trying to justify the break. So sue me.

So here's the part where you get to do something:
How many of you, my dear fans, are doing NaNoWriMo? What genre are you writing in? Will you be participating in Breathless Press's Critique Weekend? Let me know! Leave me a comment, I promise I won't bite... Unless you ask me to.
Now, back to writing. I have a character that seriously needs a beat down...
Don't you love rebel characters LOL. Sorry you've hit a wall. I do hope you can push through it.