I finished a scene I had skipped earlier, then realized that I needed another scene added in after it, and got that done as well. Yay! Unfortunately, I'm now to a point where I am going through what I have already written and am tweaking it. My word count may or may not rise as I do this simply because as I write new material, I am deleting some of the old material. Not all of it, just some of the stuff that was unclear. I am writing new material to it, but since I am deleting parts, my word count may not reflect the amount I am writing. (I hope that made sense)

Torie James is a dear friend, and a talented writer. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have been blessed to have met the rest. She has given me numerous pep talks, and always brings a smile to even my darkest days.
Decadent Kane is a continuing source of information and inspiration. She loves fae even more than I do, which is quite difficult to achieve! She's even been wonderful throughout NaNo, allowing to to WordWar with her (see the graphics on the left side of the page).
Krista Kelley is a down to earth girl. Gotta love our brief chats over posts. She, also, has been uber supportive, and so very kind. She brings smiles to me even when all I want to do is curl up and cry. I'm also WordWarring with her!
Sheri Velarde/Kelly Ryan is multi-talented and has a way to make me laugh. Full of humor and love, she's also been one to push me even when I don't have the energy to push myself. She crafts, write, paints, and even has a web comic series! She's also in the WordWar club! Check the graphics to the left.
Brantwijn Serrah runs a blog called Foreplay and Fangs. While we may not talk to each other, she has been supportive as well. Her blog has weekly writing challenges that force you to think outside of the box. She forces me to think. (Oh! The thinking hurts! Just kidding.) She is also amazingly talented.
Those are just a few of this supportive, kind, and loving authors. There are tons of others out there that are simply amazing as well. So, take the time to send in those 5 pages, get your critique. If you do end up getting published through Breathless Press, know that you will be included into the circle with love.
Ok, that is all for today. I'm off to go write more! (Edits for book 1 are still looming over my head. I seriously need to get book 2 written so I can start edits.)
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