I've been one busy Kat! I admit it, though. Prepping for NaNo has been a bear. I'm ready to claw my eyes out. Its nothing anyone has done, rather its that my eyes just don't seem to want to focus. This lack of focus can easily be attributed to all the character sketches I have been doing. I want everything just right. But lets be honest here, I suck at drawing. I did try to be honest with the fabrics as I drew them, and I even picked out realistic body models to use.

You will notice that all these sketches are the same people. At least as far as body shape/pose. That is because I am not sketching out the character, but the dress. I have pictures on my computer to model the faces after. I know what I want them to look like in that respect. However, it is the clothing I have needed a visual for.I have noticed that, while doing a read through of Earth's Light, I am not consistent with the clothing. This is stage one of producing that consistency.
If there is one thing that bugs me about books, it is inconsistencies in the aesthetics. Call me petty, but changing things like clothing too often just slows the story for me. Its a personal thing. Its petty, I know it. So when i caught myself doing this in book 1, I knew I had to fix it for book 2.

The girls, naturally, are going to have more than one outfit. There is naturally going to be an outfit for normal life, and one for battle/adventuring. Nadia is the princess of Shadow Wood. She wears dresses when in town. However, she isn't your typical princess. She won't wear anything flashy or exotic. Rather, her town dress is cheap cotton in neutral colors: Black, brown, grey. There are no adornments. Simple, and utilitarian, while still maintaining that touch of femininity. Nadia's Battle dress is leather. She is proficient with the bow, and often hunts for her own food. In this time period, they have reverted back to using all of what they hunt. Ok, so that is a touch of my personal beliefs showing through, but it works. With that in mind, her outfit truly is made specifically for her. It is form fitted and skintight without preventing free movement. Rather, her leather is more like a second skin. The pouches on her belt hold herbs, and she also carries an backpack of holding. (Catch the D&D reference? Yeah, roll your eyes. I explain it better in the book.)

Now, Damian, he only has one outfit. He is a LT in the rebel army and specializes in reconnaissance. His clothing matches his job. All black. The shirt is cotton, as are the BDU pants. The boots are leather. They are water-tight, allowing him to wade into small puddles and shallow creeks while performing his duties. What I didn't picture is his back pack. He is, however, shown wearing his laser pistol.

Aria, now. I have to admit that drawing her dress was one hell of a job. Christina Burch is responsible for all the detail. I simple designed the basic shape of the dress and colored it in. This picture DOES NOT do it justice. (I'm working on getting better pictures.) Aria is an earth elemental. He dress reflects that. 100% of it is alive. Flowers and vines compose this dress, showcasing her talent with flora.

Callan is a wolven shape shifter. His pants are designed to rip away when he shifts. Made of leather, there are snaps along the sides that will pop when he changes form. He is wearing a tunic with leather covering his chest. A small bit of armor to protect vital organs. He wears red because he is the ulfric, and being such allows him to.
Amir is an incubus. He, however, has his own personal style. He gravitates towards the romantic pirate look. Yes, even this far into the future, that looks works when pulled off by the right kind of male. Amir is the right kind of male! This is also a collaborative effort with Christina Burch. (I love her for all her help!) Leather thigh-high boots, red silk shirt, and black leather pants. TWO leather belts. One for show, one to hold his sword.
Raven is the final of all the sketches, so far. He's rather simple. Being a nightmare demon, most of his battles are done in the dreamscapes. One must be asleep in order to attack in dreams. With that in mind, Raven wears silk sleeping pants and a silk vest with silk slippers. And yet, on him, he makes it look damned hot. Again, easily done by the right kinds of male!
There are a few more sketches to be done, but this is all I have to date. I'll be attempting to update daily as the days to NaNo count down, and then as NaNo progresses.
Until next time!
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