My memory sucks. Not just, "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot your name." It is more along the lines of, "We did what yesterday? No we didn't." And that is without alcohol dulling memories. My memory sucks. I forget the simplest things, even after doing it for 60 straight days, I'll forget to do it for 3 weeks straight. People say that after seven days of doing the same thing at the same time forms a habit. Unfortunately, my only habit is nicotine and caffeine. No joke. Even during school I had no habits. So things such as taking medicine and getting my daughter ready for school can sometimes lead to confusion, or forgetting to do it at all.
"Wait, what was I gonna say?" |
With this in mind, I have tried several ways to keep me on track. Alarm apps and sticky notes and calendars and having my father reminding me. It has all failed. I'm trying again, this time adding every tiny thing I do in my day, and having things which rotate, allowing me ample time for work and play. Today is day three of following this schedule. So far it seems to be working. I went and downloaded yet another app, but this one allows me to have alarms repeating daily, weekly, monthly, or even every 3 or 4 days.
How is it working? My kitchen is clean, my furniture is dusted, and my floors have been mopped, all things I have listed on my schedule. I also have worked on my novel, attempted to update my Facebook pages, and am now writing my blog for the first time in months. I'd say that I'm doing pretty well, considering I was all stressed over how much work needed to be accomplished. Chores are limited to one per day, and my fun work (writing, blogging, etc) are limited to one er day. Chores get one hour, work/play get 3-4 depending on if I cook that day or not. I also have something new I am trying to find time for: Yoga.
Surely this is some sort of torture! |
Yoga has made me curious, all these positions and such, it almost looks easy except for finding balance on some of the poses. And then I tried the Downward Dog pose. Oh em gee, the pain in my arms! It seemed so easy, until I realized how weak my arms are. Such a simple beginners pose giving me so much trouble? Seems insanity, doesn't it? And yet after day three of this beginner's class I've been doing from YouTube,, I feel a bit more energetic, as if doing this short routine is helping in some small way. Time will only tell if it truly does have an impact, but I am hopeful. Maybe I have finally found and exercise routine that may help me shed some pounds.
And of course, sound bodies lead to sound minds. not necessarily sane, just more active. And I need that active mind to finish my book. Which, of course, brings Princess Kitten into play. My lovely five year old demon in angel's garb. She has everyone in love with her, enamored with her kindness, energy, and loving attitude. She uses it all to her utmost advantage, conning old men into releasing money, and attempting to con Momma into allowing her things she knows already she can't have. Oh yes, my Princess Kitten is manipulative. And I love her to bits and pieces.
Unfortunately, she has a bad habit of being her most interuptive and charming when my fingers are steadily tapping away at the keys. Oh sure, I try to wait until her naptime, but that rarely helps. No, she seems determined that all my attention be placed solely on me as a punishment for school being out of session for the summer. Of course, this is only because she loves school so much and believes I am to blame for it being closed for the summer. Naturally. So have I gotten much written? Nope, but school starts soon. Hopefully word counts will rise by the time Halloween comes.
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