I can not convey in words how happy I am to reveal to all of you, my readers, this incredible novel by Theresa Sederholt! First, let us run through the gauntlet. You simply can not fully enjoy Shattered Lies unless you have first read the other two books in the series.
The Unraveling of Raven
At twenty-seven, Raven Anderson experienced more heartache then anyone would in their lifetime. Finally, her life seems on track when she starts doing what she loves the most; teaching second grade.
However, the best-laid plans are not always the right path as Raven learns when fate puts her in the direct path of mega billionaire, Jaxson James Phillips, owner of Raiders, Inc., a corporate raiding company. With the spotlight now focused on Raven, her past is threatening her future. So, she does what she does best—run!
This beautiful girl, with the violet eyes, has left Jax, who never gets rattled, totally speechless. Used to getting what he wants, he can’t understand why she’s running from him. As time goes on, he slowly unravels the many layers of Raven. What he finds... puts everyone around them in danger.
Can anyone survive?
Buy it:
Amazon.com - http://amzn.to/1GYkeQr
Amazon.co.uk - http://amzn.to/1IEnhiS
Darkness into Dawn
Tragedy has struck and now it’s a waiting game. New beginnings, so full of promise, are overshadowed by a past that is continuously haunting them. Secrets are uncovered. Lies are revealed.
Raven and Jax will fight for their lives and the ones they hold dear. Will a normal life ever be in their reach? Will anyone truly be safe, again? Too much has happened. How can anyone survive this?
Buy it:
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/1zX3i7Z
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/1pm3e
And now, what everyone should be on the edge of their seats waiting for:
Shattered Lies
Lies are shattered, leaving death and destruction in its path. To save a child, they must make a deal with the devil himself.
They had a plan: two days—get in, ask the questions, and get out. Seemed simple enough. But you know what they say about best laid plans. Life always seems to get in the way of living.
Revenge can be such a bitter pill to swallow, costing others to make the ultimate sacrifice.
Jax’s need for control slowly slips through his fingers as Raven’s past attempts to steal their future.

Buy Links:
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/1IpWCTA
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/1OqSa8R
My review:

If you HAVE read the other two… continue reading.
Just when you think you have it all figured out… The past comes back to haunt Raven, Jax, Jackie and Max in this final book in the series. Not everything is as it seems, or is it?
You have to give the four main characters some credit here, they put up with incredible amounts of stress, yet still find that sliver of strength to keep trucking. Theresa Sederholt continues her trend of writing better books. (Can I give 6 stars? No? Darn…)
I must admit, I normally hate contemporary romances and mysteries. They are normally too unrealistic for my tastes. However, Sederholt has done the genre justice with this final installment in The Unraveled Trilogy. That weave she started in book one has now become a fabric full of twists and turns, a thing of beauty.
Now, throughout the whole series she pops between points of view, but does it in such a way that you know who’s head you’re in at any given time. Sederholt also makes wise use of the typical romance elements by adding plot rather than turning the story into some fantasy ride.
I recommend this to anyone who enjoys mysteries, action, or contemporary romance. 5 (6) stars!
Blogger’s note: This was an ARC for me, and I must say I’m impressed. Sederholt tackles the tough shit with dignity and respect. Again, we see her usual finesse with trigger topics, respect and dignity being par for the course. Read this series now!
About the author, Theresa Sederholt:
I was born in Brooklyn New York. I am old enough to know there is no luggage rack on the hearse. I am married to a Professional Chef.
I have a son who is a Research Chemist and a wine maker. Yep I'm covered from the food to the drinks. I have 2 dogs Vito and Godiva.
I live in the United States. I've had so many different jobs, even I can't keep count.
I believe if you give a girl espresso and Nutella she can change the world!
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Buy Links:
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/1IpWCTA
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/1OqSa8R
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